BMW X5 (E70) X6 (E71) Continental MSD81 Engine Control Unit DME 7616431 5WK93754 used
BMW X5 (E70) X6 (E71) Continental MSD81 Engine Control Unit DME 7616431 5WK93754 used
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Used BMW X5 (E70) X6 (E71) Continental MSD81 Engine Control Unit DME 7616431 5WK93754.
It can be used as a replacement for MSD80 as well (the opposite is not true).
Type: Engine Control Unit
Model: MSD81
Manufacturer: Continental
Brand: BMW
Manufacturer Part Number: 5WK93754
Vehicle Part Number: 7616431
Software Version: -
Other Part Numbers: 7593493, 7586933
Hardware: 100% working, used
Software: original, coded to a vehicle
Original VIN: on request
Comment: the ECU has passed all functionality tests and it is guaranteed to work.
Note: you need to clone the ECU (using a programmer such as FLEX) or align ISN from CAS. If you have ISN, we can write it on the ECU for you free of charge.
Warranty: 1 month
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Consulte el párrafo "Condiciones" justo arriba si se necesita algún dispositivo para codificar o programar este producto.
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100% probado
100% probado
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